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Gabapentin is manufactured in the United States by Pfizer Inc.

Gabapentin is manufactured in the United States by Pfizer Inc. through a subsidiary called Greenstone Ltd. It is also manufactured by IVAX and Alpharma. The name or appearance of gabapentin may be different in various countries but usually the dose (measured in milligrams, abbreviated “mg”) will be the same.

Gabapentin (gab-ah-PEN-tin) is the generic name (non-brand name) of the seizure medicine Neurontin (nur-ON-tin) used in the United States, Canada, the UK, and some other countries. Another commonly used name for gabapentin is GBP.

Brand Name(s)

Neurontin is sold in the United States by Pfizer Inc. The name or appearance may be different in various countries but usually the dose (measured in milligrams, abbreviated “mg”) will be the same. These descriptions apply to the U.S. versions:

Used to Treat

Focal Impaired Awareness or Complex Partial Seizures
Focal Aware Onset Seizure




100-mg (white, hard-gelatin) Capsules with “PD” on one half and “Neurontin 100 mg” on the other.

300-mg (yellow, hard-gelatin) Capsules with “PD” on one half and “Neurontin 300 mg” on the other.
400-mg (orange, hard-gelatin) Capsules with “PD” on one half and “Neurontin 400 mg” on the other.

600-mg (white, oval, coated)
Scored tablet marked with “NT” and “16” on one side

800-mg (white, oval, coated)
Scored tablet marked with “NT” and “26” on one side

Liquid Solution

250 mg/5 mL (clear, colorless to slightly yellow)
Liquid with strawberry-anise flavor.

How to take and store Gabapentin?

Swallow the capsules or tablets whole.

It’s OK to take gabapentin either with food or without food, but it’s best to be consistent day after day.

Don’t take an antacid (like Maalox) within 2 hours of taking gabapentin. Antacids can prevent your body from absorbing all the gabapentin.

As the doctor increases the amount of gabapentin that you take, you may be given a different kind of pill than the ones you’ve been taking. Be careful! For example, if you’ve been using 300-mg capsules and the new prescription is for 600-mg tablets, be sure to take the right number. Don’t automatically continue to take the same number of pills as before.

Don’t take more than the doctor prescribes. If you think you’ve used an extra pill call your doctor for advice. For a larger overdose, call your local poison control center or emergency room right away, unless you have special instructions from the doctor.

Don’t stop taking gabapentin or change the amount you use without talking to the doctor first. Stopping any seizure medicine all at once can cause serious problems.

Store the capsules or tablets at room temperature, away from dampness and direct light. (Don’t keep them in the bathroom if it’s damp there.) Of course, keep all gabapentin out of the reach of children.

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